Treatment For Heart Blockages at Cardiology Clinic Singapore

Blocked arteries can cause a number of different symptoms. These can develop early in life, or they may happen over the course of several decades. A few factors are particularly risky, including high blood pressure, smoking, and elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. As with any medical condition, there is no one treatment that will work for everyone. If you suspect that you may be experiencing any of these symptoms, speak with your doctor.

The most common symptom of a blocked artery is chest pain. This is a symptom that many people experience when they exercise, but not all people experience this. For some, chest pain occurs when exertion is high and a heart attack occurs when a coronary artery is completely blocked. Chest pain and shortness of breath are classic symptoms of a heart attack. However, women may experience pain in their neck or jaw area, as well as chest pain. These symptoms can be easily misdiagnosed and may be due to something else.

A doctor can use real-time X-rays to determine the exact cause of the blockage. Patients who are experiencing severe chest pain and chest discomfort may be candidates for angioplasty, a procedure that involves a small incision made on the skin over the blood vessel. A cardiologist can then insert a thin tube containing dye to view the blockage. While the symptoms of a heart attack are often difficult to recognize, many people do have some warning signs of a heart attack. Other symptoms of blocked arteries include fatigue and shortness of breath. However, for some people, no symptoms will manifest until after a heart attack. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Some people with a heart condition may have an artery in their leg or arm that is severely blocked. This can result in chronic pain and a decreased amount of blood flow to the leg or arm. In severe cases, the pain may require you to stop physical activity and seek medical treatment. However, most people with peripheral artery disease don’t exhibit any symptoms. There are many signs of a blockage, including pain in the legs and arms, shortness of breath, and excessive fatigue after exercise. There are no immediate symptoms of a blocked artery, but there are warning signs that you may be suffering from one.