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Things to know about TCM fertility Singapore

In Singapore, almost everyone is familiar with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as a form of another means of healthcare. Of course, there are many physicians and clinics out there, but we are helpful when we experience ailments that western medicine cannot even adequately address. Today, it has become more popular and has won the general public for its holistic approach and effective cures.

Being a new parent can be expressed as one of the greatest happiness. Many many latest couples have found themselves bewildered when they cannot conceive. After that, they stopped using contraceptives. In this article, we will walk you through and let you know about TCM fertility Singapore and help those having issues during conceiving. We will analyze three main reasons to choose TCM to help you treat fertility issues;

Treatments are tailored to you.

TCM physicians who treat fertility patients can determine the ideal combination of treatments to address any condition. For example, the course of treatment prescribed for a PCOS patient may differ from that given to another diagnosed with the same condition to accommodate different physical constitutions.

A natural, non-invasive approach

Chinese herbal medicine, whose derivation is from the plant, animal, or mineral-based natural products, has no minimal side effects if made very well. It is prescribed by a qualified TCM physician, who also considers other prescription medications or treatments that the patient may be taking. As a result, some patients may be able to conceive naturally without the need for invasive procedures or hormonal drugs; good praise of TCM’s effectiveness in improving infertility conditions like reducing inflammation or improving blood circulation and reproductive organ functions. We have been a helping tool in Singapore, and you will also have an interest in having your time with our group.

Restoration of holistic health

Common fertility problems are not considered diseases by TCM but a lack of equilibrium in the body that prevents conception from occurring naturally. While Western medicine focuses on treating a particular medical condition, TCM focuses on the patient’s overall well-being. Therefore, a TCM regimen prescribed to patients aims to improve their holistic health while addressing each fertility problem individually.

Our physicians at the oriental remedies group are committed to helping couples improve their fertility to have a successful pregnancy, whether by regaining their fertility for natural conception or by supporting their Western fertility treatments.


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