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Popular Technologies Used in Religion

Technology is applicable in just about everything your might mention. Religion is not any different as they count on modern tech to achieve different milestones. Take for instance Islamic finance, which allows businesses to benefit without moving an inch. For those who might not know, Islamic finance is a way of doing financial transactions and banking while respecting Islamic law or Sharia.

That aside, today we will be examining the different types of technologies applicable across different religions and how you stand to benefit from them. Read on below to uncover more before deciding on anything.

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have proven to be one of the best ways in which you can access information while at the same time interacting with other people. For religious organization, social media is a place where they can expand their religious lives. Furthermore, they can also share their thoughts and insights. Actually, social media is the new way of announcing services and ministering to the congregation as an individual or group.


Smartphones have tremendously changed how people do things. With a smartphone you can get access to everything you may need without having to go through a lot. When it comes to religion, smartphones are relied upon in accessing eBooks or different online websites. This is made possible with a click of a button.

Apart from accessing online materials, you can also record religious services using your smartphone. This can either be in the form of a video or audio. You will then be able to use it as a source of reference in the future. However, you must make sure you have a smartphone that has these features if you are to record a religious service.


You can never mention smartphones while forgetting about apps. This is because the two go hand in hand. Nowadays, we have apps which give people access to the Koran, Bible and Torah.These holy books are used in religious centers during services, events or special occasions. This ensures you avoid the burden of carrying their physical versions as they contain the same information.

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