Nowadays, there are numerous ways in which you can use to make that donation to your favorite cause. From using your checkbook to setting up a foundation or entering your credit card number online, are all possible ways of making your donation.

Plus, your donation can be made at all price points as well as packaged according to your preferences, convenience and size of your pocketbook. With that said, below are some significant ways you can certainly use to make donations to charity.

Donating your Car, Food or Clothing

Donating your old car to a charity organization can be a wise trick to get it out of your driveway and do some good too. Though there are car donation scams, you can probably do it in more ways than ever that benefit a great charity. By following a few rules of the road, your car donation can be profitable.

Also, don’t forget about donating other things too such as furniture, appliances, food and clothing. Actually, food pantries and thrift shops have more needs than ever. You can possibly find these types of charities in your neighborhood and this gives you the chance to know that you’re engaging in the most direct giving of all.

Give Your Time

Volunteering doesn’t cost a dime and it’s the in thing to do these days. Now more than ever, volunteers of all ages and from all backgrounds are finding their way to causes that inspire them. Typically, volunteering has changed considerably over the recent years. Now, you can possibly serve in person or digitally by becoming a virtual volunteer. You can even combine travel and volunteering too.

You can also tailor volunteering to your interests, lifestyle as well as availability. Volunteering can be great for teens and for people looking for new friends. It is also significant as it can definitely help you land in a new job.

Join A Giving Circle

Giving circles are moderately new to the philanthropic scene but have gained ground rapidly. Fortunately, making your donations through giving circles can be both fun as well as practical too.

If you’re in doubt where to look for a giving circle, then your local community is the most excellent place to start particularly if you’re looking for a smaller, neighborly type of circle. But plenty of circles have also gone state-wide or nationally.