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Can Extending Shelf Life Reduce Food Waste by Meat Processors

Even though you may not believe it, meat consumption contributes greatly to global warming. Actually, emissions from meat industries are more than that of ships, vehicles and airplanes combined. That is why consumers and processers alike are putting in place measures to prevent the effects of meat global warming. A number of people seem to be eating less meat while at the same time calculating the resources of their meat consumption to determine whether they are on the right track.

Meat and poultry processors have also not been left behind as they are now making use of shelf-life extending and food safety technologies. Keep in mind meat products can be said to be spoiled when they are visually unappealing because of color loss or when they are beyond the sell-by date. This happens quickly especially if a meat factory does not incorporate shelf-like extending technologies during their manufacture process. Well, meat is a nutrient-dense substrate with high-water activity thus making it a target for microbial growth.

The good news is that many meat factories have a toolbox of ingredients to assist with reducing meat waste while at the same time guaranteeing product safety. Some ingredients are actually meant to retard oxidation thus improving color and flavor. To make it even better, there are different approaches to slowing down the growth of spoilage microorganisms while also killing pathogens. Of course it should start with raw meat and maintaining clean manufacturing, storage and distribution environments.

Quite a number of people think meat antibiotics will help them big time. However, this is not really the case since meat antibiotics can lead to a host of health complications in the long run. This is mostly the case when disease causing microbes adapt and develop resistance to medications. That is why you are advised to stick with healthy meat if you are to avoid putting your health at risk. So, before purchasing meat, you need to carry out a background check of the factory since some are only interested in making profit. Such meat factories may not value client satisfaction thus putting your health at risk.

Remember, it is all about the appearance of perceived quality when you are purchasing meat. After all, no one is going to take the last package just like you can never buy a product that does not look optimal. Be sure to check the sell-by date before buying meat as it determines the quality.

The Bottom Line

With innovations in the world of technology, meat and poultry processors can be able to extend shelf life thus reducing meat waste.  This action goes a long way in reducing the effects of meat global warming. Consumers should also follow suit by taking less meat and calculating the resources of their meat consumption.  If you are planning to take this route, then you can consider checking out the official website of Meat CO2. Here, you will stick with your intended plan regardless of what happens.

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