6 Tips to Help You Sleep Better When Travelling

If anything can disrupt your sleep patterns, then flying by plane for long hours tops the list. Our bodies are naturally programmed to want to sleep at night. The internal clock can, however, be put into disarray if you fly into a time zone different from yours. Whether traveling for fun or work, it would be best if you tried to avoid sleep disruption as much as possible. Here are a few tips to help you sleep better even when traveling.

  1. Plan your bedtimes properly

Take time to plan for the upcoming trip ahead of time. Make sure that your bed is the perfect place for a great night’s sleep. Many overlook the importance of a good mattress, is yours up to scratch? Take a look at Ikea mattress reviews and invest in a great mattress.Move your bedtime to be in synch with wherever you will be traveling to. Do this gradually until your body can adjust fully. The transition may take three days or even more, but worth every bit.

  • Go with the flow

Try to adapt to the new settings after jetting in. Get to know when the plane will be landing to make the appropriate preparations. If possible, sleep as much as you can in the plane (that is if you will be landing during the day time). If the plane is, however, landing at night, you should then try to remain awake during the flight.

  • Stick to the 2-day Rule

If the trip doesn’t however take more than two days, you then shouldn’t break your daily schedule.  Trying to change will only hurt your internal clock thus creating more problems. That said, it would be advisable to have all meetings and other obligations handled when you are fully awake. This should come in handy while in the new country or state.

  • Take advantage of the light

Learn to take advantage of the light while you can. If traveling east, for instance, take a pair of sunglasses to help minimize exposure to light. According to Gamaldo, it would really help if you tried getting maximum sun exposure late in the morning and towards the afternoon to help the body rhythm shift towards the new destination’s time zone.  Doing this helps the body adapt to the new time zone. The same applies to if traveling westward. Get maximum light exposure towards the evening as well. Be sure to eat outdoors to help the body adjust even better.

  • Get some exercise

Gamaldo recommends getting a bit of exercise especially before getting onto the plane. It would also be best if you took a warm shower as well. This helps increase the core body temperature, which again helps improve the circadian rhythm. This goes a long way in helping the inner clock readjust to the new time zones.  Exercise helps get the blood moving, thus enabling you to not only stay away, but also get to sleep easily at night.

  • Take melatonin supplements

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for promoting sleep and rest. Ten milligrams of melatonin should help jog your body or prepare it for rest. Melatonin supplements are also used as sleep aids, hence recommended when traveling.

The body is also capable of producing melatonin naturally. Taking these supplements only helps give it a nudge to help avoid jet-lag and sleeplessness when you arrive. According to research, getting maximum light exposure during the day time does help rest our internal clock. Be sure to get plenty of sunshine before leaving and after jetting back.